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Dear Parents,

Welcome to the Phi Mu family! For the past 18 years or so, you've been the primary influence in your daughter's life. You've helped her pursue her interests and turned her into the best possible version of herself. The lessons that she learned from you will anchor her as she interacts with new friends and professors. We're so grateful that you're letting us share this time with her, and you'd be pleased to know that our organization has pursued what is in the best interest of women for over 160 years.

The transition from high school to college is difficult, especially for parents. We hope to make this transition easier with Mom's Weekend, Dad's Weekend, and Family Weekend activities, which allow you to meet your daughter's lifelong sisters (and give you a reason to visit!). 

As a Phi Mu, your daughter will:

Make new friends. Phi Mu friendships are built around a common set of core values, such as the pursuit of learning, responsible social behavior, and sister love that lasts a lifetime.

Become her best self. We build each other up, support each other in organizations, and find a wide variety of leadership roles on campus. Not only will your daughter be surrounded by high-achieving girls, but she is also joining an organization that values "right behaviors", which involves a zero tolerance policy against hazing in any form.

Develop leadership skills. Whether your daughter decides to serve on our executive committee or in an appointed position, Phi Mu Epsilon Iota has over 40 positions that she can apply for less than a semester after bid day. We will provide your daughter with training, mentoring, and academic excellence resources to aid in her personal development.

Serve others. Your daughter will be part of the only sorority corporate sponsor of the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals as we raise awareness for childhood health concerns. Our chapter is fortunate enough to have a Cook Children's Hospital less than 10 minutes away from campus, so your daughter will be able to do hands-on work with children and actively make a difference in their lives.

Once again, we can't express our gratitude that you're letting us share this chapter of your daughter's life with her. We're a vibrant, visionary organization with a history of helping women achieve their personal best, and w
e can't wait for you to join our Phi Mu family.


Phi Mu Epsilon Iota

Epsilon Iota

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