Welcome to Mu York 2023 Bid Day!


Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.
Elsa Comincioli
Membership Director
Hello everyone! I am so excited you came across our website and I hope it is able to answer all your questions! Recruitment can be a stressful time for many girls, both PNM’s and recruiters, but it is one of the most beneficial and exciting times during your four years at TCU! Recruitment allows you to create lifelong friendships with girls from all across the globe as well as grow as a person.
This fall, we initiated our newest pledge class of over 80 amazing new women. During the past academic year, we have held many events to support our philanthropy, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Some of these events include; Milkshakes for Miracles, Cocoa for Kids, and the Cooks Children’s Haunted House. Our chapter is so passionate about helping our philanthropy and the TCU and Fort Worth community.
We are so fortunate to have a local CMN hospital, Cook Children's, where all of the money we raise goes directly back to members of our community. Our campus is less than three miles from Cook Children’s, which provides members easy access to volunteer opportunities. We have gotten the opportunity to meet some of the Cook’s kids which has impacted our experience in Phi Mu. Phi Mu at TCU offers a philanthropy program that encourages all members to volunteer within the Fort Worth community. We also have had a presence on campus participating in philanthropy events for other Greek chapters at TCU.
There are many reasons to join a sorority - a home away from home, a link to campus involvement, and networking opportunities, both during your time as a TCU student and an alumni. Phi Mu provides each member with the opportunity to learn outside the classroom: to lead, to be an active member, to learn, to share, and to support others. Each member in our chapter is irreplaceable, and our strong bond helps us grow, both as individuals and as a group. We always refer back to our ideals: love, honor, and truth. These three values are what make’s Phi Mu what it is and something we strive to do in our chapter, on campus, and in our community.
Joining Phi Mu means joining a “phamily’ of sisters that are committed to be there for you every step of the way throughout college. Joining Phi Mu means joining an organization that will always encourage you to be the best woman that you can be and help you grow in everything you do.
Phi Mu at TCU promises to show each young woman who enters our home the attention they deserve, as we show them the love we have for our sisterhood, as well as the tradition of excellence we have established in our classrooms, organizations, personal lives, and future careers.
Thank you so much for your interest in Epsilon Iota and I wish you the best in your recruitment experience and time at TCU!

Allie Fey
Sydney De La Fuente & Hannah Jones
Scholarship: Chloe O'Brien & Ashley Kruse
Philanthropy: Audrey Hackett & Lily Bertucci
Leadership: Mary Frances Wallmeyer & Tatum Wilson
Preference: Hanna Piper & Lexi Meier
Janae Jackson

To learn more about formal recruitment click here to go to TCU Panhellenic's website!
Potential New Members should not register for recruitment until they have their final transcript.
Round 1 (Scholarship): August 7th
- PNMs watch chapter videos
Round 2 (Philanthropy): August 11-13th
Round 3 (Leadership): August 14-15th
Round 4 (Preference): August 16th
Frogs First: August 17th
Bid Day: August 18th
Phi Mu does not accept or utilize recommendations in the recruitment process. We look forward to getting to know each PNM in recruitment!
What is it?

Along with our one-on-one meetings, we also hold open house events where potential women can stop by the chapter house and get to know some more of our active members, so keep an eye out on our instagram for those! We keep this process extremely casual because we want interested women to get to know our chapter and active members without any stress or pressure!
Phi Mu participates in both Fall and Spring COB! Please contact our Membership Director or our COB co-chairwomen!
Contact: tcuphimumembership@gmail.com